If you decided to read this article, I’m assuming you are bored in class and looking for some websites to entertain yourself once you’ve completed all your work and gotten ahead of your projects and studying. Well you’re in luck! There are a few websites you can visit that aren’t blocked but will provide a lot of fun for you!
- Wordle
Wordle is a game you can play that isn’t blocked. The premise is to guess what the day’s 5 letter word is with only 5 guesses. The rules are simple. If the letter is grey, it is used nowhere in the word. If it is yellow, it is in the word you’ve guessed, but not in the right spot. And green letters are correct letters that are in the right place. If you need a tip for a starting word, I’d recommend adieu. It sounds simple, but it really makes you think. Good luck, reader!
2. Sketchpad
(Hey guys! This is an update in January of 2025. Just to let you know, the school has blocked this site because “.io” is in the name, and the district banned that string of characters because they think anything with it is a web proxy. There is an alternate website with the same functions by the name of Sketchpad.app). Sketchpad.io is a free software you can use for art. I’d say this is a great place to start if you want to give digital art a whirl. It comes with a designated color picker, a way to save your art piece as a png, several tools you can use to make your drawing, and more. I personally have done some stellar work on there. It’s a great website, and I implore you to check it out. But if you don’t like that site, there’s an alternative you can use in the form of…
3. Kleki Paint Tool
Kleki’s another free art sight you can use. It has plenty of features, if not more than sketchpad. Personally I find it harder to use, but it’s a great way to create art. My friend enjoys it quite a bit, and has made some immaculate artwork this year! I recommend that you use it.
4. Youtube
Ah, an obvious choice for an enjoyable website. You can access youtube on your school macbook! And while there are some limitations and restraints, it’ll still give you a semi-enjoyable viewing experience. However, I wouldn’t recommend it during school hours, because there will most likely be repercussions if you get caught viewing it without permission. So I’d recommend doing it at home.
I hope you enjoyed this article and everything it entailed. Go give these websites a visit and show them some love. While you’re at it, why not enjoy what this website has to offer and read a few more articles here on the Mclean Mirror? Oh well, that’s all I wanted to showcase here. Goodbye, Cardinals! Have a fantastic week!
Leo Mercado • Sep 27, 2024 at 11:36 am
I think you can just sign out of your school account for youtube, and there won’t be limitations. I’m not sure if it works for everyone tho.