Bench-marking the Benchmark
October 18, 2022
As this school year breezes by, some important tests/exams are upcoming. Soon to come, the Beginning of year Benchmark test will be taking place the week of 10/17/22 to 10/21/22. Not everyone will be testing this time around, only the 8th graders in Social Studies/History and anyone in Biology or on level science.
On Tuesday, October 18th, those will be taking the Social Studies Benchmark. To find out where you have to go for testing, check your email. Mrs. Hunt should have sent you the room number and under that a little bit more information. If you weren’t emailed, you should ask someone who can help you find out where you can go or check the lists in the hallway. On Thursday, October 21st, those people will take the Science Benchmark. The way you find the class for your Social Studies Benchmark is the same way you find your room for the Science Benchmark.
At the end of the week, one of the two yearly Friday Fun-Days will take place at the end of the day on Friday, October 21st, 2022. This is a nice and fun way to end off the week after testing.