Day in the Life: 7th grade Volleyball Player
September 9, 2022
Volleyball Players work very hard all week, every week. For 7th graders, volleyball practice starts at 7:15 in the morning. So that means….an early wake-up time!!
I usually wake up around 6:20 am and get dressed in my athletic grays, go to the kitchen and eat my breakfast. My go-to volleyball morning breakfast is a berry smoothie. Volleyball players wear their athletic greys to school along with knee pads and/or volleyball shoes. When we get to practice we start by doing our warm-ups. Our warm-ups consist of Walking lunges, karaoke, shuffling around half court, and bear crawls. After warm-ups, the A team stays in the inside gym and the B team goes to the outside gym.
At our practice, we start by doing our arm warm-ups, then we do hitting lines. After hitting lines, we usually do a game. Then we practice serving for about 10 minutes, Then everyone’s favorite………..SCRIMAGING! We scrimmage usually for the last 20 minutes of practice. After practice, we take all our volleyball stuff off and then take our backpacks and got to the auditorium. After Mrs. Ozuna releases us we go to class just like a normal student here at McLean.