Desk Pets Stampede Through ELA and Yearbook Classes

Jonah Curtis, To Write about Desk Pets.

This is the Desk Pets hype house with most of the pets in it.

 Mr.Torres gave us all desk pets. They are all different animals and are unique. We get to name them and take care of them. Our teacher Mr.Torres’ desk pet is an octopus named “The Octopus”.

 We didn’t get to pick our desk pets it was all at random, but if we didn’t like ours we could trade. The students in my class have some cool names like Archibald Bartholomue Dariuas the Third and some more simple names like Bob or Sam. The most common pet is a dinosaur and the most common color is yellow.


Mr. Torres let us know that we will be using our desk pets to practice interviews, writing profiles, doing character work, etc all year long. In the end we are all happy with our desk pets and are excited to take care of them for the rest of the year.